Blog | Pound Wholesale

  1. Get Creative This Easter With Pound Wholesale!

    Easter is a very special time of the year, especially for children and families. It’s a time where a child’s creativity and application to art can run wild. Continue reading →
  2. Softer Brexit Approach Backed By Cabinet Eurosceptics

    The UK could be heading for a ‘softer’ Brexit approach after Theresa May received the backing of cabinet eurosceptics Boris Johnson and Liam Fox.
  3. BCC: UK Economy Stronger Than Expected, But Inflation Growing

    According to a report by the British Chambers of Commerce, Brexit has not perturbed UK customers, with the economic slowdown this year being less severe than first feared.

  4. Queen Gives Royal Assent To Article 50 To Launch Brexit

    Prime Minister Theresa May can now formally begin her discussions with the European Union to determine the terms of Brexit after the Queen gave Royal Asset to the Brexit bill.

  5. European Commission Official: Brexit Could Lead To UK and EU ‘Complete Breakdown’

    The UK’s negotiations to exit the European Union could lead to a complete breakdown between the European body and Britain, according to former European Commission official David Wright.

  6. Europe’s Largest Management Consultancy: Don’t Invest In Brexit Britain

    Charles Edouard Boutee, the chief executive of Roland Berger, Europe’s largest management consultancy, has told The Times that businesses are underestimating the complexity and effects of Brexit, and has warned investors about investing in Brexit Britain.

  7. Bill Published To Launch Brexit

    The Government has begun the Brexit journey by publishing its bill that will trigger article 50. 

  8. Theresa May Plans To Defend Brexit Strategy

    Prime Minister Theresa May will attempt to silence her Brexit critics by delivering a ‘major speech’, which should offer some insight into the UK’s negotiating position. 

  9. Supermarkets: UK Food Supplies At Risk With Hard Brexit

    In a strong letter addressed to Theresa May’s Tory Government, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, M&S and the National Farmer’s Union have stressed the importance of migrant workers and that a “hard Brexit” could threaten the UK’s food supplies.

  10. Brexit: UK Wants “Ambitious” Trade Deal

    Prime Minister Theresa May says Britain is seeking an “ambitious” trade deal for both the UK and Europe once it exits the European Union, adding that she does not want to mimic the current arrangements. 

  11. Big Four Supermarkets Shelves Plans For New Stores Amid Brexit Uncertainty

    New figures have revealed that any plans among the big four supermarkets to build to stores have hit a snag. 

  12. The High Court Has Ruled Against The Government And It Must Consult Parliament Before Triggering Article 50

    Parliament must vote on whether to trigger Article 50 to begin the process of leaving the EU after the High Court rejected Prime Minister Theresa May’s attempts to bypass the legislature. 

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